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    sahuoy  59, Male, Illinois, USA - 44 entries
Aug 2012
5:39 PM CDT

Caution - When taking any prescriptions stay aware of the changes occurring both positive and negative. Equally important is the doctors willingness to treat as changes occur or fail to treat and simply moo you along. Three and a half years ago I had a five way bypass. Over that time I've acquired several prescriptions amongst four doctors resulting in my taking as many as twelve drugs daily and warping into a genuine zombie. Unable to think of more than one thing at any time, clearly, always mentally foggy, failing to see or plan ahead beyond two things, always worried and wondering how I was ever going to function like this and shocked when considering the rest of my life in this new and improved western medicine manner, not that I know of any better alternatives but when the drugs one is taking produce side effects just as crippling as the problems the drugs are treating the outlook is at best cloudy skies and knowing that just above their grays the sun shines with all the mastery of any life giving element of the universe as one watches in awe inspired discovery and knowing as being one with the universe. Not until the fifth doctor did any one of these doctors really examine, (Listen), and treat me but again rather mooing me along.

*Side note - Male doctors appear to be extremely busy having many patients, little time and hangling a large volume of work. In contrast female doctors appear to be much less busy and when pressed to handle more quickly fall behind with keeping up. I did once think the females were being more thorough but this is not true at all. It clearly appears they cannot handle the volume, do not want to handle the volume. So much for equal pay for equal work. If the work pays well enough to cause one not to want to handle more patients then there is no incentive to do so and therefore I believe on the surface females doctors receive equal pay as high as males and that even with fewer patients the pay is so good the passion to treat people or the hypocratic oath is thrown aside for sake of having found a comfort zone.

After explaining my zombieness, always tired, always sleeping, always disinterested, etc. did the fifth doctor wipe the slate clean by stopping all meds, renewing only two and adding a third. That represents a quality doctoral experience 20% of the time or I would otherwise be in the 80% treading water awaiting to swap a life preserving life boat for this floating debris I hold onto after this life shattering explosive wreckage that sent me drifting three and a half years ago.

Now for the first time I feel most like the person I was prior to having surgery and now feeling pretty good with some footage under me but not having full legs to walk, I practice virtues, patience, cleansing my body and spirit of the pollutant prescription cocktail that renders me prime zombifried horror movie material.

So I guess the lesson to be learned is stick to your guns, repeat, ALWAYS STICK TO YOUR GUNS, with your health. Unfortunately the increase in health care cost has not and most likely will not translate into better quality treatment from health care professionals though it is dual fold in that some kind of treatment is better than none, perhaps, not knowing percentages of the propaganda versus truth in medicine, wanting to influence and thus control the world of global growth can only be answered by those who are indeed finding improvement and measureable quality in more than just livelihood, spirit, prosperity of family, health or wealth, etc.

Yet that can only be answered by each patient individually when defining their quality of lifeeveryone. Doctors are not created equal which is why you should always utilize your right to change doctors, acquire another opinion until your concerns have been addressed and treated to your satisfaction. Wishing you the very best of health. Its not what you pay for it is if you are willing to seek out until you are satisfied with your quality of life.

In other words the only things which appear to have changed are the pay scale doctors and staff receive although with Obamacare, people have access across the board, which is a toe into the door of quality care, again, all doctors are far from equal and have little or no passion to treat as many patients are needing healthcare but rather designing an environment which presents any given doctor in the best possible lime light concerning their future careers while forsaking many patients ala a dotor and nurse shortage and lawsuits continue though they were once a winning lottery ticket awarded by juries. Doh, talk about shafting yourself as taxpayers or consumers have to absorb increased cost to pay for the awards, politicians have implemented new laws limiting awards. And global health evolves and molds by mans hand in his other brothers and sisters pocket of gold, stealing from Peter and Pauline to pay Paul...

1 comment(s) - 09:44 PM - 09/26/2012
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